Every Multiverse of Madness Appearance (Rumored & Confirmed)

It feels like the list of possible characters in the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness keeps getting longer and longer, especially after all the latest reshoots in recent months, So let’s catch up. Here’s every possible appearance, both rumored and confirmed.


Doctor Strange (duh!)

This one is so obvious that we’re just going to move on.

The Scarlet Witch

Fans are torn on whether Wanda will be here to aid Strange or be the villain of the movie.


Poor Wong. We don’t see much of him in the teaser but the footage we do see doesn’t look good. Notice the red energy around his wrists? Could that be Wanda holding him down?

Defender Strange

Laughter probably wasn’t the response Marvel was expecting when they designed Defender Strange but that’s how fans reacted. Comic readers know that Defender Strange is no one to chuckle at and could lead to other cameos from his dimension.

America Chavez

Cierra Ramirez makes her MCU debut as the Young Avenger Miss America. You couldn’t have a movie about Marvel’s multiverse without including the character that can kick star-shaped doorways to other dimensions.

Dr. Christine Palmer

We last saw her in Strange’s first movie. Maybe she’s finally the Night Nurse and specializes in patching up superheroes.


Friend? Foe? We don’t quite know yet.

Evil Strange

We’re not sure who Evil Strange is yet but we know he’s here and things just got a little out of hand.


He looks different nowadays but he’ll be there. Less like a giant octopus and more like Shuma-Gorath but that’s a different issues entirely.



The Guardian of the Mindscape is not set to make his debut in the Multiverse of Madness. He’s the protector of the sleeping minds of humans and will be playing an interesting role in Strange’s new outing. Hasbro gave us this confirmation with a toy release.


Another confirmation via toy release? D’Spayre has the power to cause fear and despair through hallucinations and illusions. We can’t wait to see how he fits into the story.

Professor X (Both?)

Early concept art depicted an older Professor battling against Scarlet Witch. Other rumors have McAvoy reprising his role as a younger Xavier.


One X-Men rumor leads to another one. Once fans heard Professor X may be heading to the MCU, they speculated Jackman’s return as Wolverine. After his heartbreaking departure in Logan, bringing him back for a small cameo might take away from the heaviness of that moment.


Now officially in the MCU, fans want to see Murdock in everything. With his next MCU project slated to be She-Hulk, a cameo in Multiverse of Madness would be insane.


We’re not sure which one but if a Spider-Man shows up, it will likely be Holland. Strange might not remember Parker and everything that’s he’s done for the kid but Peter sure does. As soon as Spider-Man hears his magical buddy is in danger, he’ll probably come swinging to the rescue.

Bruce Campbell

You can’t have a Sam Rami movie without a cameo from his good friend Campbell. Campbell denied rumors of him portraying Mysterio in Rami’s unmade 4th Spider-Man movie but anything is possible with a multiverse in play. There are a few fans out there who theorize Campbell bring Mephisto which would make his multiple cameos in Rami’s trilogy MCU canon.


Things were a mess the last time we saw Loki. The finale saw the Sacred Timeline split off into unmanageable branches. Let’s not forget that all of this started because Loki decided to steal the tesseract. Sure Wanda and Strange might of made things worse but let’s give some credit where credit is due. If Strange is trying to piece the multiverse back together, it would make sense to head to the source of the issue.


The one who destroyed the Sacred Timeline. If Loki is involved it would make sense for Sylvie to be there also. Maybe Strange can stop her from stabbing He Who Remains and letting his variants come through.


He would complete the trio and could be behind the TVA door we see in the Multiverse of Madness teaser. Maybe he’ll even get that jet ski.

Keanu Reeves

Fans want Reeves to portray Ghost Rider in the MCU after he recently expressed interest in joining the ensemble. It’s a reach but they’re citing the timing of his statement along with the recent reshoots as evidence of his involvement.

Nic Cage’s Ghost Rider

A simple case of you can’t have one without the other. It was reported a year or so ago that Cage’s Ghost Rider was in talks for a single MCU project. Maybe this is the one.

White Vision

We haven’t seen White Vision since Hex Vision unlocked his memories. Coming to Wanda’s aid seems to be the most logical step to bring him back into play.

Wiccan & Speed

They called out to Wanda at the end of WandaVision or at least seemed to, and we all know she’d anything for the children. These two may even be our bridge to the X-Men universe if we’re lucky.

Variant Iron Man (Tom Cruise)

There was talk going around that we’d see a Variant Tony Stark in the movie because Strange would assemble the Illuminati for help. We’re not sure who started the rumor that he’d be played by Tom Cruise but now we want to see it.

Strange Supreme

We know there’s going to be an Evil Strange but to say that it will be Strange Supreme is a stretch. We saw him get a full redemption arc in What If… but anything is possible in the MCU.

Post Credits Kang

With Kang being set up as the big bad an after-credits scene featuring him seems inevitable. They introduced us to Thanos after the Avengers joined forces, maybe this means we’ll see the introduction of another superhero team-up.

Whew, that’s a lot to keep up with! Most are rumors for a reason but would be cool to see nevertheless. We’ll keep you updated with any additional confirmations if they come to light. ~ The Binkeeper


  1. boonstag says:

    Sleepwalker and D’Spayre are NOT confirmed. The toy leaks for those 2 character did not have the DS2 logo on the box like the other toys did. They are just part of the Marvel Legends toy line and are being released at the same time as the movie toys.


    1. That’s why they’re under rumored.


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